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Achievements and Experience

Work with Studios

March 2020 - present

Produced promotional materials (Steam sale graphics) for Sky Hour Works, a game dev studio situated in the USA.

Academic Writing + Honours

February 2022 - November 2022

Completed an Honours thesis examining the role of the Non Player Character (NPC) in games development and how they can produce affective responses in tandem with the player. Produced a companion game aiming to demonstrate this concept with my own artistic style, with all programming and art assets developed solo.

Games Programming Work

November 2017 - current

Did work as a Teacher's Assistant/Head Teacher with CodeCamp to demonstrate key coding principles to students, often in the form of producing 2D and 3D platformers.


2017 - 2022

Bachelor of Media Arts (Hons.)
University of New South Wales

As part of UNSW's Media Arts Program I majored in animation and interactive media, where I learned skills relevant to modern game development including 3D modelling, creative coding, and character design.

Awards: The Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture Dean's List for academic excellence (2021)

2017 - 2022

Bachelor of Computer Science (BSc)
University of New South Wales

The Computer Science Program at UNSW taught both the technical skills required of any programming disciplines, but also the Agile professional practices that development teams follow in the current workforce.


I am proficient in the C, C++, Python and Java programming languages.

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